Amar Hussein lahir pada minggu ke -34 kandungan. Di sebabkan tekanan darah tinggi yang tiba-tiba naik ketika routine check-up, saya dihantar ke hospital Sg Buloh oleh klinik kesihatan di dalam airforce base, RSAT untuk rawatan yang lebih lanjut. Waktu tu tak rasapape pon walaupon tekanan darah sudah mencecah 150/100.
Setibanya di hospital, i was told that i would be admitted and might be delivering the baby as soon as possible. The doctor did scanning, a doppler scanning (not sure what kind of scanning) but after all scanning done, the doctor told me that i had to be induced at the night due to the baby wasn't able to grow normally as what he supposed to in my womb.. ya Allah ... i was praying and hoping my baby will delivered safely... becontinued
selamat juga akhirnye kan..
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